Hello, my name is Evgeniya Muldagalieva. I am an artist and the founder of the ceramics brand Morning After Celebration.

The name of the brand refers to my very special time - time when I slow down and feel what truly matters.

Imagine, the hard work is done, the holiday rush is over, toasts have been said and presents unpacked…

You step in a quiet room that still keeps the evidence of joyful celebration. You feel as though time has paused here, and your thoughts drift gently through the moments of your life.

I creat objects that serve as reminders of how important it is to stop, relax and feel that it’s okay to be imperfect. They are like little meditations, when capture your attention they let your mind wander as you look at them.

The brand is built on such values as aesthetics, freedom, self-awareness, self-acceptance, and a mindful attitude toward feelings.

Ceramic artist in Canada